Monday, August 12, 2013

When You Can't Fly Away to Maui

“Better what the eye sees than the roving of the appetite. This too is meaningless, a chasing after the wind,” (Ecclesiastes 6:9).
Motherhood is the best job I’ve ever had. But sometimes I wish the benefits package included vacation time.

When my kids spend twelve consecutive hours bickering over toys and begging for cookies—I could use a day alone at the lake.

When I’ve played six games of UNO Moo, styled an American Girl doll’s hair eight different ways, and assembled 324 puzzle pieces before lunch—I get restless for a weekend with the girls. Grown-up girls, I mean.

And when my husband and I can’t finish a meal, or a sentence, or a singular thought without someone interjecting to ask for milk or help or every ounce of our attention—I dream of a week in Maui sipping tall beverages spiked with pineapple juice. And cherries, too. Let’s go crazy.

So what do I do when I want to get away, but can’t?

I count my blessings.
  • The freckles on my daughter’s nose and the lilt in her laugh.
  • Crayons on the carpet and healthy kids who scatter them there.
  • A good job that keeps my husband at the office past dinner time.
  • Four walls to protect us, even as I scratch and climb them.

I can’t change my circumstances. But I can change the way I look at them. Can you?

So that plane to Maui, it has to fly without me. But tonight I just might pour myself a tall glass of something fruity anyhow. Want to come over? You bring the paper umbrellas; I’ll spring for the cherries.



  1. So very true! We cannot change our circumstances, only the way in which we look at them. That is a powerful thought & one I am so glad you shared! I was your neighbor at The Better Mom.
    Have a great Monday!

  2. Love the title of your post, as this is the reality for most of us pretty much all the time. So true that it's all about attitude and perspective!

  3. Oh how I loved this post! I've been working on focusing on my blessings instead of all of my trials. It has really changed my attitude! I would love some fruity drinks...and a beach, though! ;)

  4. LOL - I so understand the desire for an uninterrupted conversation or time alone - and you are right - it's finding the blessings in the daily. Today is our 30th anniversary - and everyone's schedule doesn't allow for Maui things - and so we find the blessing in the day to celebrate:) Thank you for your delightful perspective!

  5. Great post - such a good reminder. How often do we we chase after the wind instead of the things of God! A change of perspective is often all we need!

  6. Yes! This is so true and we often forget it in the chaos and noise of our busy lives. God blesses us when we purpose to see the blessings that are really all around us. I'm going to apply your words to my day, Becky and sip my fruity beverage right along-cyber-side you!

  7. I do sometimes wish for the plane, though- much as I love my kids. ;)

  8. Hi Becky! I'm new to your blog...found you in the Chicken Soup for the Soul book (I had a story in it as well-- woo hoo!) I love this post and can relate on EVERY level...the UNO, the hair styling, the puzzle pieces, the not being able to finish a thought!!! I'm trying to do the same thing when I get frustrated...count my's not always easy! What a great blog you have!
